Learn About COVID-19

View, download, or order copies of educational materials developed by the PANDEMIC team. Click the topics below or scroll down to browse materials. 

COVID-19, viruses, and your health

Living in a post-COVID world

COVID-19 vaccines and treatments



Learn what Long COVID is, what to do if you have it, and how to help prevent it

Long COVID fact sheet

COVID-19 and other health topics

Social and emotional issues

Other vaccines

What is measles?

Learn about measles, which is a very contagious illness caused by a virus. This means it spreads very easily to others.

What is measles?

Links to other COVID-19 educational resources


This material was developed by PANDEMIC (Program to Alleviate National Disparities in Ethnic and Minority Immunizations in the Community) with the support of CDC Cooperative Agreement CDC-RFA-IP21-2113-NU21IP000597: published 2023. The contents are those of the authors and do not represent official views of, nor an endorsement by, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Health and Human Services (HHS), or the U.S Government.